shakira shakira!!!

reading some of the british press today got me real riled up. they were going on and on about what a disgrace zidane was and how their children were stunned to see what he did. furthermore they questioned his future credentials as a role model. i remember reading about such stuff in american sports as well..for me the zidane incident hurt not because it was disgraceful but because it hurt frances chances of winning the cup and him having a perfect fairy tale ending. why is it that people be it the press or sports fans have to put their sporting heroes on such a pedestal where they start expecting perfection in all aspects of their life..for me growing up Micheal Jordan was perfection personified.but it was more about his playing abilities than anything else.ditto for imran khan. many people forget that these superstars are at the end of the day normal human beings with real human emotions. those who say that these stars owe something to us because theyre paid huge sums of money dont know what theyre talking about. they are paid these sums because of the way they play.beckham being the exception to an sure if someone gave zidane the chance to do it all over again he'd probably keep his cool...but hey thts just life and he's just human.. so id just like to salute zidane for all the memories.for me he was awesome.thx zizzou!!
now tht ive vented some of my own emotions id like to add that its been raining quite steadily in lahore..the weathers nice, the streets flooded and my ac sales have gone down..tsk tsk...something had to give..hehe...dont worry...the humidity will kick in soon enough..haha!!btw is it only me or does anyone else feel weird body aches in the rainy season??
finally ive decided that my hips dont lie is my official dance anthem!!
i totally agree with the fact that once these sports stars, or any celebs for that matter become BIG, we make them our personal property and forget that they are also human.
any ways ur last ine cracked me up cuz i stopped reading at "finally ive decided that my hips dont lie..."
and i almost went into shock.
lol..then i read the complete sentence!
1:10 PM
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