Thursday, July 27, 2006

update plus weird happenings

apologies for my dissapearing act.since my last rather pithy and depressing post things have changed somewhat.overall im still bored...i did eat tht caked alaska but ive been somewhat busy.just had a cargo lift installed in my basically for the past couple of days ive been busy moving my inventory into my warehouse which as the lift would indicate lies above my shop. the weathers been quite funny...its been raining like anything for the past few days.yet when it stops raining for a while one has to suffer the most unbelievably suffocating humidity.i must have lost 5 kilos due to the "perspiration"..hehe least i hope i have.

the lack of people in this town have forced us left behind to come up with a new activity.its texas hold'em poker and its all the rage these days...wouldnt recommend it gets addicted to it which is not good...especially if you end up losing money..hehe..

btw zidane seems to have made the head butt fashionable...did anyone see a jockey in england headbutt his horse after the horse had thrown him off..hehe...too funny..

another weird tidbit which only fox news could have come up...a man in ohio has been charged with gross sexual misconduct or something to tht effect...basically this guy went to the local library and told all the women there that he was doing a sociology project which entailed him to lick or suck the toes of these women and record their respective reactions.despite the obvious protestations the guy went down on his knees and proceeded to suck the toes of the woman near him..she freaked out and called the police...hehe...only in America!!

p.s im sure this is no consolation but the queens borough of NYC had been without power for two straight karachiites i guess the people of queens feel u .

Thursday, July 20, 2006

bored to smithereens!!

im bored. not much to do the entire day.just one of those days..finished playing golf on my mobile twice.wrote long ass posts twice before deleting them and starting over this third and final time.i guess for me the universe is just taking a little breather and everything seems to be going by very slowly..ah like i said its one of those days.


ill have caked alaska tonight!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

just finished watching lost.about to finish west both shows actually.dont have much of an appetite left for movies now.they finish too quickly..hehe maybe i should start watching indian flicks.khair after watching lost i cant remember the last time the mysterious monster on the island made his presence movie shop wala is insisting i watch one tree hill next..but i think im uptill here with OC already.nip tuck might be the way to go.for me dubai is becoming the new lahore.3 very close friends of mine will be in dubai working there from next month.actually two have been there for the past one year providing me with great hospitality every two months or so.but now another one of my gang is about to join them a result very few of us are left in Lahore.its funny how in high school u never even thought that everyone would be going their own separate ways in different parts of the world..oh well..such is life...btw dawn is starting pakistan's first english news channel...anyone interested in working lemme it karachi, lahore or islamabad. btw i think theres reverse discrimination going on now.babas prefer hiring young graduate girls...sup with that...hehe

Friday, July 14, 2006


the capture of one soldier (military combatant) from an army base (military target) results in the total shutdown of Gaza, home to 1.4 million Palestinians (99% of whom are civilians).yet all the outrage in the west is about the soldier and not about the disproportionate response shown by many innocent Palestinians have been killed in gaza these past couple of many cabinet ministers and palestinian paliamentarians been picked up?too many.wheres the outrage?nowhere to be seen. all you hear is imagine if someone captured our soldier from the homeland we'd respond in kind.this was said by a democrat senator.current crisis in lebanon was initiated not by the capture of two israeli soldiers by hezbollah but by israel capturing some hezbollah fighters.yet wheres the outrage.its hezbollah who are termed the terrorists and its the lebanese who are paying in lives and properties.beirut has been cut off.right now there are 3 israeli soldiers in arab hands whereas israel has 9000!!! arab prisoners.wheres the outrage??

i mean studying in the states i was baffled by the american public opinion about the arab israeli conflict. campuses that are usually liberal bastions usually were sympathetic to the Palestinians. Yet when Americans grow up they tend to buy into this bullshit that freedom is under attack.terrorism and freedom struggles are one and the same. i guess maybe its in their blood.cos of what they did to the native americans they can now relate to Israels attitude towards the arabs. then they have the innocence to ask why oh why do they hate us.

the arab israeli issue gets me riled up even more than india pakistan cos the injustice of it all is so blatant ones left wondering what in the world is going on here?sure there are lots of bad eggs in the palestinian states have done shit all as well but are the palestinian nation going to be meted out this unjust and humiliating treatment for ever?its so bad that ones forced to say to hell with it!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006


i finally did it. yesterday along with two of my friends copster and royal rafikee i got a haircut from Nabilas!!!!! feeling slightly sheepish!!spent 1200 rupees for a cut and to be honest ive never felt happier after a cut.secondly it was so much fun sitting in a cool ass salon..i was tempted to get facials/pedicures/manicures but decided against cos i was in a time though i will definetely get a facial.

in the evening i went to a fantastic peformance by zeb & haniya at the new levis flagship store.they had mekaal hassan, salman albert etc playing with them..the whole thing literally rocked.i dunno why zeb and haniya havent come out with an album..theyre really good...

another gorgeous day in lahore..was raining cats and dogs when i woke impressed with the city govt though. theyve got dozens of crews working overtime draining the streets of water.kudos to them!!i dunno if anyones noticed the ads ive got on top of my blogpage.these google ppl are really smart. the ads reflect mostly what i wrote about in my most recent post. btw if u click on one of the ads i get some cents as if u guys can click on em five six times i might just one day amass a fortune by blogging...haha

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

shakira shakira!!!

reading some of the british press today got me real riled up. they were going on and on about what a disgrace zidane was and how their children were stunned to see what he did. furthermore they questioned his future credentials as a role model. i remember reading about such stuff in american sports as well..for me the zidane incident hurt not because it was disgraceful but because it hurt frances chances of winning the cup and him having a perfect fairy tale ending. why is it that people be it the press or sports fans have to put their sporting heroes on such a pedestal where they start expecting perfection in all aspects of their life..for me growing up Micheal Jordan was perfection personified.but it was more about his playing abilities than anything else.ditto for imran khan. many people forget that these superstars are at the end of the day normal human beings with real human emotions. those who say that these stars owe something to us because theyre paid huge sums of money dont know what theyre talking about. they are paid these sums because of the way they play.beckham being the exception to an sure if someone gave zidane the chance to do it all over again he'd probably keep his cool...but hey thts just life and he's just human.. so id just like to salute zidane for all the memories.for me he was awesome.thx zizzou!!

now tht ive vented some of my own emotions id like to add that its been raining quite steadily in lahore..the weathers nice, the streets flooded and my ac sales have gone down..tsk tsk...something had to give..hehe...dont worry...the humidity will kick in soon enough..haha!!btw is it only me or does anyone else feel weird body aches in the rainy season??

finally ive decided that my hips dont lie is my official dance anthem!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

whats the worst that can happen? we are the morning after...italy the new champs...doesnt sound right but hey they held their nerves and trezeguet for zizzou...well that hurt..for him to bow out like that wasnt imaginable...i hope people will remember him for his game and numerous achievements than this head was one helluve headbutt though....khair despair can make ones mind wander in weird directions.while my mind was wandering i started thinking about the system of asking out people.and then i started thinking as to why it is usually the responsibility of the guy to make the first move.if a girl likes someone 9/10 she wont make the first move.why??

btw a little disclaimer...this thinking in no way reflects something happening to me .i dont know of anyone liking me and me wishing her to make the first move..hehe...just thought that maybe maybe someone could enlighten me about how this system works.

i guess i can understand the whole rishta business.guys family going to the i said despair makes the mind go everywhere and nowhere.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

depression galore!!!

its as if someone delivered a sucker punch and knocked the wind out of so whole world cup fever has turned into a bad case of the blues...England lost....again!!!slight consolation that brazil a team i usually love and follow lost as well...i mean i knew in my heart of hearts tht becks and co would sure the england team knew they wouldnt make it...argh this is sheer misery...what better opportunity could theyve asked for?brazil out.all european semis in germany the old enemy....argh!!!i will now try my best to support la mappelle jaggagh!!!hehe...why france cos football is basically a tribal sport..and for me zidane is a fellow tribe member...he's france avenge england and knock portugal out of the cup!!!...i still cant get over it...horrible weekend i tell u...finished watching smallville...i hate season finales...why cant they just have a proper finale...i mean fine u have to make ppl watch the next season but this suspense business is just too tiresome and i can hardly wait for the next season and its depressing to know ill have to wait another 4 months or so to watch the next seasons premiere.aargh!!!
u know i was thinking that sports can really affect the way a person look at me..this is what has transpired to me in the past few days...england lost...agassi lost...alonso lost and worse still schumacher won...(ARGH!!!)...west indies lost(india won) and finally i lost at something stupid yesterday as wonder ive been feeling all down and negative...its so not me.i think i should start backing whoever wins..hehe