update plus weird happenings
apologies for my dissapearing act.since my last rather pithy and depressing post things have changed somewhat.overall im still bored...i did eat tht caked alaska but ive been somewhat busy.just had a cargo lift installed in my store.so basically for the past couple of days ive been busy moving my inventory into my warehouse which as the lift would indicate lies above my shop. the weathers been quite funny...its been raining like anything for the past few days.yet when it stops raining for a while one has to suffer the most unbelievably suffocating humidity.i must have lost 5 kilos due to the "perspiration"..hehe ..at least i hope i have.
the lack of people in this town have forced us left behind to come up with a new activity.its texas hold'em poker and its all the rage these days...wouldnt recommend it though...one gets addicted to it which is not good...especially if you end up losing money..hehe..
btw zidane seems to have made the head butt fashionable...did anyone see a jockey in england headbutt his horse after the horse had thrown him off..hehe...too funny..
another weird tidbit which only fox news could have come up...a man in ohio has been charged with gross sexual misconduct or something to tht effect...basically this guy went to the local library and told all the women there that he was doing a sociology project which entailed him to lick or suck the toes of these women and record their respective reactions.despite the obvious protestations the guy went down on his knees and proceeded to suck the toes of the woman near him..she freaked out and called the police...hehe...only in America!!
p.s im sure this is no consolation but the queens borough of NYC had been without power for two straight weeks..so karachiites i guess the people of queens feel u .
i can open every blog but ures khizra...sup with tht?
1:15 PM
lol...how did you know i would come here!
khair i fixed it!
happy days are back!
this was a weird post, and please pray the weather gets better, chances are i might grace lhr around the sixth.
and i know abt the poker addiction, my brothers told me about it.lol!
5:48 PM
Khizzy's blog went anti-men:P I could open it.
The electricity in my area doesn't disappear as long as people act like it's not a problem. The minute someone says thank God it doesn't go here, it conks itself out for six hours.Pain these people are, wish they'd believe me.
8:55 PM
Hi Jeerrry! Don't start One Tree Hill please! My stupid movie wala made me start it tooo, and its soo bad, its the 21st century version of Beverley Hills 90210, and its uscks. Nip tUck is good, but I highly recommend Six Feet Under, its the best one, or you could just wantch Sex and the City of Desperate Housewives, hehehehe. Uff btw I have gained 5 pounds here,I can't stop eating junk, missing Lahore life where the only thing I did was gym, swimming and fitness ... is Lahori truly as dead as you depict in your blog .... c'mon Jdawg, your bloog will determine wheteher I move back :P Btw haircuts and Nabilas! I think Rafz has sucked you up into his fashion melodrama .... miss ya jarzz!
1:05 AM
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