Monday, September 11, 2006

khizzy's tag

am thinking about...what to do tonight...parents are outta town..friends in town....

I is like wine...u feel great initially but eventually end up with a hangover!(actually i didnt come up with it but ive said it a dozen times..hehe)

I want to..become filthy rich...have loads of influence and always live above the law..yeah baby!!

I wish...there were bars and nightclubs in lahore..

I miss...hmmm like khizzy i could say college but i guess ill say the good times..

I hear... city fm 89 alot!!

I wonder...y we as a nation are so dishonest and corrupt

I regret...not being near the sea

I am......many things to many people..haha so typical..but seriously i am a good, decent shy sometimes sly fella..

i think.....too much at times...over analysing stuff can lead to indeciveness..not good

I dance...when not in my senses..cos why would i want to embarass myself and those close to me by torturing people with my dance skills..

I the bathroom...these days its God save the queen...britain's national anthem.having colonial withdrawl symptoms perhaps..

I my dreams..crying is for wimps...hehe jk..

I am not always...right..woah thts something really big for me to say publicly..hehe

I write...nonsense,gibberish etc etc

I confuse...watching sport on the telly with actually playing it

I shed some major weight..become visibly more friendly..also maybe go to the tooths aching right now

I should hook up with not getting any younger or prettier..hehe

I saying heres to a better tomorrow


Blogger KM said...

singles ad in newspaper...
"i am......many things to many people..haha so typical..but seriously i am a good, decent shy sometimes sly fella.."

"I shed some major weight..become visibly more friendly"

lol...followed by...
"I should hook up with not getting any younger or prettier..hehe"

ufff this was fun...see the pattern?
wait till moizza gets here!

2:58 PM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

haha ure spot on khizzy..hehe..the tagging was fun..

6:28 PM

Blogger moizza said...

This calls for some major harrassment. We need a strategy Khizzy. Plan A: How to get Jarrar a girl. Plan B (in case Plan A fails): How to make Jarrar forget about girls. I think the second is easier, you can choose between religion and bootleg liquor.

Or if you open a book cafe here: Khizzy and I will rain flyers down on Karachi praising you to high heaven.I've even thought up a name for it. "Diwan" (It's the name populary given to the gathering Naghib Mafouz and Ahdaf Soueif used to frequent in Egypt)

Sorry again but that pattern screamed for a response.

Fun tag though.

8:37 PM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

wow ive never felt so exposed in my life..hehe

3:13 PM

Blogger fcukinslacker said...

it seems like you have been quite active at the "art of being random" while "jerry's take" seems to be totally neglected.

11:35 AM

Blogger moizza said...

These absences of yours for all sorts of weird causes (the only one I will exempt is a book shop) is most irritating.

11:33 PM


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