Monday, May 29, 2006


during the heat of todays afternoon i came up with a little exercise to keep me engaged..i had a pen in my hand doing nothing in i decided to write words that came to my mind.i stopped soon enough cos i was coming up with words that were deflating to say the least..heres the short list i came up with

on the whole reflects me in a morbid mood. this weird exercise has reinforced the belief ive been nursing for a couple of days..i need a break...a short vacation..but alas that cant happen..
i dont like waiting..i dont like waiting for the inventory to arrive..hate waiting for the electrician to come and fix up some wires..hate waiting for the software guy to work out some kinks in the computer and so on and so on...hate not being in control!..btw not all doom and gloom.though my showrooms not entirely ready ive kind off opened the shutters and have started registering sales..mashallah sey!the whole morbidity im sufferring from is due to this i said almost there just waiting for my suppliers/electricians/carpenters etc to finish!!then ill be in control!!and only then can i start thinking of taking a break...ive heard sri lanka doesnt require a visa..the only country left where we can go visaless.hehe

Thursday, May 25, 2006


btw can anyone tell me why hmph denotes anger...seriously...i'd much rather prefer @$%# this to hmph...khair had to fire an employee...first time ive fired someone....dont understan the attitude people have here..they dont want to work hard...generally going to make sweeping statements so no offense ppl...i mean i try inspire them, give them incentives yet they dont work hard...i see other "traditional" retailers aka dukaandars abusing the shit out of their salesppl and they get so much out of them....i wonder what mcdonald does...probably pay very well..i had one incident where i wanted to transfer one salesman to another branch...i was giving him a raise yet he didnt want the raise nor the transfer cos he'd fallen in love with some girl in the locality...tht was sweet but i forced him to transfer nevertheless..he was needed..lately this one guy outrightly rejected moving cos he didnt want to commute for fifteen minutes more..again rejecting a pay raise..khair everyone has their majborees and stuff but generally getting quality customer service is hard..its not as if theyre in dead end positions...i want them to improve and strive for better positions...theyve got examples of the store managers i have...they were once salesppl as well...very few if any have the drive or hunger...most are just looking for shortcuts..the only good thing though mashallah is tht my staff might not work as hard as id like they have by and large been loyal...tht is a big plus..!!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

slow news day

as i dont have anything profound to post i thought id just post this article i saw online.

Your dreams and your love lifeBy Barrie Dolnick

Ever wake up in the morning and stay in bed for a bit, mulling over the weird dream you had the night before? Were you making out with a heart-stopping celebrity? (That’s the good kind.) Or perhaps you were lost in a dark cellar, not knowing how to get out? (Bad kind.) Did you know that your dreams aren’t just fascinating short films from your subconscious? It’s true: They are also a running narrative on your love life. OK, they don’t speak English or send emails the way you’re used to communicating, but your dreams are basically the IM of your psyche. You just need to know how to understand them.

Here are eight super-common dream scenarios I’ve heard from clients in my work as an astro-coach, success trainer, and best-selling author—along with what they mean to your love life. One thing’s for sure—dreams are not literal foreshadowing of what’s to come. When you’re being proposed to by George Clooney or making out with Heather Graham, it’s a dream. And it will stay that way, I’m sorry to say.

1. Flying (without a plane)Flying dreams are the best. You’re weightless, carefree, and blissed out. When you fly in your dreams, you’re getting a green light for happiness. If you’re flying with other people, you’re sharing your joy. Your dream is showing you that your dating life is on the right track. Here’s another twist: If you’re not dating someone, you soon will be! If you’re afraid of flying, however, you’re not totally ready for a happy love life. What’s grounding you? Pay attention to other dreams and get a clue as to why you’re not flying high in romance.

2. Taking testsHow many times have you had the dream where you have to go take an exam you’re completely unprepared for? Maybe it’s one about a mix-up at your high-school graduation and you still need to take your American History exam (or French exam or — worse still — Trigonometry exam). How many times have you woken up in the morning relieved that you don’t have to take that test? Those dreams are telling you that you don’t think you’re ready for life as you’re living it. You could be dating someone who gets too heavy too fast or you could be telling yourself you’re just not ready to get serious. Never fear—if you’re not prepared for the test in your dreams, you have as much time as you want in your waking life to get ready. Slow down your relationships, don’t date too many people at once, and let yourself take a break once in a while. If someone is trying to test you in love, flunk them out.

3. Tornadoes, floods, fires, disastersYou don’t need to be Freud to figure out that natural disasters or menacing situations are telling you that something’s wrong. Does dating scare you? Are you seeing someone who is making you uncomfortable? If you dream of being overwhelmed or frightened by something over which you have no control, step back and see if you are walking into a complicated or difficult situation. Is your love interest being honest? Are you both totally free to date? These are warning dreams. Be cautious.

4. TransportationEver try to get a taxi or run for a train in your dream? Have you dreamt of being in a traffic jam? Who needs that kind of frustration when you’re trying to get some rest? Your dream is telling you that you’re not getting anywhere or that where you want to go is blocked. Maybe your current methods of meeting people aren’t working. Or perhaps dating your current sweetie isn’t the best idea. Or maybe there’s something in the way of a successful relationship. What are the obstacles? Do you need to network more or post an online profile to find love? Is there a complicating factor in your current relationship—say, an ex? Better find out so that you can take a faster route to real romance.

5. Having a babyDon’t rush to the bathroom to test how many blue lines you see. Sometimes a woman will dream she’s pregnant or will just have this baby to take care of and not know why. And guys dream of impending dad-hood, too. While these dreams can be disconcerting and even scary, they are good dreams! Having a baby is about your own life taking on a new form. This can easily mean true love is here. Or that love is about to be born. Take stock of your life. Who has newly entered the picture? Who are you dating now? Your life is about to expand. Who’s the lucky babe?

6. Being nakedOK, maybe you have no problem getting naked in front of strangers, but in a dream, you’re more than likely to feel uncomfortable. Being naked is being vulnerable. Are you feeling a little uncomfortable with someone you’re seeing? Are you feeling “exposed?” Take a step back from your dating relationships and pull in your privacy. Your dreams are telling you that you’re not comfortable with the situation.

7. Problems with teethDon’t you hate this dream? Some people dream that their teeth are falling out. Some dream that teeth are loose. Whatever your toothy dream is, it’s about not being able to “sink your teeth” into something. Usually teeth dreams are about power (or lack thereof), being unable to express yourself, or not being able to communicate anger. If you have tooth issues in dreams, don’t go to your dentist. Go to your friends and ask what they think you’re not facing.

8. Cheating dreamsIf you’re in a relationship and you dream about cheating, have fun. There’s nothing to be ashamed of and quite frankly it’s the only place you can cheat (aside from fantasies) that’s 100% guilt-free. If you dream you’re being cheated on, however, you’re worried about abandonment. Best not wake up and accuse your sweetie of wanton behavior. You’re telling yourself that you’re insecure. Take steps to figure out what’s worrying you. Remember, dreams are rarely literal. And in this case, that’s a good thing!Astro-coach Barrie Dolnick helps people find love and happiness by understanding their stars and their karmic energy. She is the author of twelve books, including Enlighten Up! and KarmaBabe. Her website is

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

a little creative help needed of my business suppliers suggested that my new shop should have a slogan..i had been thinking of a slogan for some time but had to give up cos God bypassed me when he was distributing when this guy reminded me of my creative shortcomings i immeadiatly thought of the commentators on this amongst you brilliant people there are creative directors, journalists, lums faculty members etc all extremely gifted and far more intelligent and creative than me so here i am needing ure help for a without further ado the shops name is powerhouse and it will sell electronics,applainces and suppliers slogan had something to do with being the only solution for appliances or something to tht effect.not original nor creative..please help...

Monday, May 22, 2006

extreme monday blues

i am sufferring the blues...i cant remember the last time i felt like this..actually it started last night...i just could not go to sleep last night...i was dead tired but as soon as i'd close my eyes my brain would go into a result i tossed and turned till 5 in the morning..i woke up obviously quite crappy and hence the blues...just got off the phone with my grandfather...wanted me to go with him to an urs in jhang tomorrow morning at 7!!somehow i managed to say no and wiggled myself out of that situation..its been a month since i got an listening to the same songs over and over again cos i dont know how to replace/download/save new crappy nd im dead tired...not the best way to start off a new week!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

almost there

im quite excited these new project is on the verge of completion...the only reason why it aint complete is cos of two of my friends but thts a story for another time...for the past one year ive been telling people about this project ive embarked a result for the past year or so ive been telling people oh yeah the shop'll open next month.for the past two months ive been saying it'll be done in two finally now i can with conviction state that this coming monday i will be open for business...inshallah!...i must add that ive come out stronger from this ordeal/ i have a formula...know which buttons to press to get things done quickly..hopfully next time round things will be smoother and expedited...khair opening a shop is easy...running and establishing it will be the tuff part...but im optimistic...
saw the survivor ad for the first time...i hope the guy narrating the ad isnt taking part cos he's the ultimate out doorsy type....btw somehow cant picture desi boys doing the stuff that people have/need to do...but thts the exciting part...caant wait to catch the series on TV.

two final notes...ive made a separate blog for my political rantings...the link is secondly ive started eating chicken again..hehe

Monday, May 15, 2006

good news alas but i still want my america plus back!!!

yesterday night as i was flipping through channels i came across a news bulletin on geo news.they were reporting on the big meeting between BB and nawaz sharif.seeing both of them and their followers in the same room and not at each others throats is still something i need a little getting used to...khair im happy theyve buried the hatchet.its a positive step...however i would appreciate it more if BB and her merry band hitched up with Mush instead.same world outlook and shared vision of a liberal, progressive Pakistan etc..khair if we could only be so lucky...anyway these two former PM's were signing the charter of democracy.the charter states very nice things about removal of military from politics and tolerance for opposing views..the last point i like cos as a nation we are deeply intolerant of each other..khair the next report by geo not only warmed my heart but also confirmed my fears/doubts/expectations about this charter of democracy...a group of Pakistani students in universities in and around London showed up demonstrating against BB and nawaz sharif outside the very house where they were signing the "charter of democracy".the demonstration i loved cos if i had been in London i would have been with those students demonstrating alongside them. what happened next confirmed my fears etc...the PML and PPP workers all natilly dressed in suits and ties started beating up the students grabbing and tearing the placards these students were holding..all of this was caught on camera and geo showed it last night...daily times also ran a littile snippet of it in this morning's paper. so much for tolerance for opposing views...folks charter of democracy is a crap shoot...mark my words...
khair before i witnessed all this drama late at night i watched coupling..i must say it is a deliciously wicked comedy....i talked once about how i liked british comedy...this only confirms it...nice way of spending sunday night...however worldcall has stopped showing america plus...they have the best line up of TV drama a result i missed this weeks shows of third watch,las vegas and stargate...theyre also showing west wing but ive seen the season theyre showing...ive complained to worldcall and theyve assured me they should have america plus back online pretty soon...i hope so cos otherwise i dont know how ill go to sleep everynight...maybe i should take up reading again.....

Friday, May 12, 2006


just wanted to rave and rant alil bt about the failed state report.apparently the think tank tabulated its results based on samples taken from news reporting in the local press in the respective short i feel so proud that our vibrant and free press under this autocratic, regressive regime has managed to get us placed in the list of top ten failed states.....words cant express the emotions i feel....i mean to be fair alot is bad with this country of ours.but to constantly whine and moan and in the process be highly subjective while pursuing selfish agendas is irresponsible to say the least its reports like these that scare foreign investors,tourists,visiting sports teams away...does a bombing in Nishtar Park,Karachi horrendous and reprehensible as it was best exemplify all of Karachi and what its about?do the riots in lahore give the true picture of ground realities in Lahore?the point im trying to make is that its not the western media tht highlights such incidents.its our own very sensationalist and cynical media tht is harping on and on about how pathetic we are when the reality is that we've come a long way these past few years.again alot needs to be done.alot can be done better.we,ve got politicians who'd sell pakistan down the toilet just to stay or get back in power.opposition parties alongwith most of the media complain about army operations in waziristan,balochistan etc yet no one gives any alternative other than maintaining the status quo....just read newsline and herald every month and you'll see what i mean...i know lots of people out there dont agree with me and i respect that...all i would like to see is good,honest and above all positively constructive debate..btw munni blogspot was banned by the government cos the prophet's cartoons were being posted by various bloggers...or so the story goes...i wasnt blogging when the ban was placed...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

time management

theres only so much one can do in one day.especially if you're depending on people to show up on time for meetings/appointments.nowadays i have a full/hectic schedule that leaves me quite exhausted.driving for an hour within the city in this heat tends to zap quite a bit out of me..ok granted theres the ac and other luxuries but still the traffics horrendous.these days everytime i go out on the road i feel im inches away from having an accident.actually had one the other day.the other guys brakes failed.he got a bumper fell still scratching my head bt friend zeb's had two minor accidents since saturday alone....khair the point is i have work tht involves working out or trying too at least theres this pesky salsa class tht im inexplicably part of but trying desperately to leave.salsa is beautiful to watch..but theres a catch...its beautiful to watch if someone graceful is doing it..a lumbering giant of a person like me is a sight that would cause sore ive decided to quit...i dont have the time...nor the graces...oh nd i dont have a partner...hehe...i love procastinating...nd blabbering....btw khizzy thx for the backchannel...much appreciated

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

the frustration continues.

believe it or not folks, im shut out from all blogs now.i hate doing the back door operation.i just signed in to my blog from the home site of blog spot.i cant even see my own blog now. i can only create new posts now.ive talked to the internet people and theyve assured me that they should have the problem fixed in 3o minutes.i have a feeling they didnt have a clue about what i was going on about.the last post i wrote apparently didnt it seems it was posted twice.i guess i should just get my worldcall connection back up again.this dial up business is too 2oth century anyway.mind you the cable speed sux as well.khair khizzy ive seen the survivor ad in the newspaper.i havent seen it on TV.ive recruited one of my out doorsy friends.hopefully he'll make me proud.hehehe..i wish i had the stamina and time....but hey if this shows a hit i might take part in its 5th edition or something..great concept though.i wonder why we dont have pakistani idol btw??quite odd..come to think of it we dont have a sports channel all our own...sitcom like friends might be nice.the comedies being produced now are plain stupid.they force you to laugh rather than make u laugh....begum nawazish ali was original but now its like ok the charms gone, channels suck even though its great theres such a diversity of views being expressed in the public domain...all in all the media is too karachi centric which is turning us "running the country" punjab walahs off big time...indus is gr8.theyve single handedly given exposure to so many great talents....i wonder though why the heavy influence of rock?khair ive raised this before...rock or no rock its good we've got music talent coming up...its about time Pakistanis were given career choices other than lawyers,doctors engineers etc..thats why id love for institutions like indus,NCA,BNU to spread all over Pakistan..finally a business idea for those whove got the money but dont know what to do with it...restaurants...classy jazz band playing scene ...sushi bar...mongolian bbq....taco bell (lol)....dunno bt karachi but lahore the supposed food capital of this country has good restaurants that you can count on your hand...enuf randomness...till next time...

Monday, May 08, 2006


either the government has banned blogspot again or theres something seriously wrong with my internet blog is opening fine but i just cant seem to open anyone else's blog.dont understand whats going on.anyway would like tto thank khizzy for starting the comments on my reborn blog.would definetely like people who eventually do come the way of my blog to check hers out as well.quite enjoyable it is. the weekend came and went.surprisingly felt quite fresh this sunday.usually i cant get out of bed.not that i did otherwise yesterday but there was a big difference.i felt fresh and relaxed.went to a place which if wasnt in india then certainly was closer to india then was a lums graduation thing.had a good time. i sometimes wish i could have a two day weekend instead of just one day being off.but i guess i can barely handle one day now so sunday is more than enough. its odd.saturday nights used to be long drawn out, highly enjoyable affairs in before you know its time to go home and hit the thing i cant stand is being out all night and coming home with the sun coming out.nothing depresses me more than that.khair i dunno what im going on about random bull..finally if i can somehow access other blogs, ive decided to start commenting on other people's blogs as suggested by khizzy.

Friday, May 05, 2006


not quite the response i was expecting.actually im kidding this is exactly what i was expecting sheer silencio.i mean what else could i expect after having snoozed off blogosphere for 8 months.hopefully people will return and this little space i call my very own will be happy and lively again.hehe...
in the meantime ill just carry on putting in my two cents.lahore is sizzling at work but really dont feel like applying or exerting myself.ive got these damned stiff muscles all over my back that have me even more immobile.thirty minutes of playing cricket yesterday (while electricity had gone in my office) did to my back what three weeks of working out in a gym had failed to do and thats to give me a stiff back.the only good thing to come out of it was that my cricketing skills seem to be somewhat intact. speaking of sport im not too happy these days.first chelsea won the premiership, again!.too rub salt in2 my wounds they did so by beating my all time favorite team MAN U.and to finally give me a summer to dread they or to be fair wayne rooney got injuured in this match. now chelsea winning pales in signifigance to the injury incurred by see England was my team this year.ive had my fill of the brazils, argentinas,italy's of this world.i mean all of us who r football lovers watch the prenmiership 90% of the time.i thought it was time to give something back and so i decided to root for the old colonial with rooney injured it looks tuff hence depressing.
the weekends upon us.yet another one.time really flies.i have the stupid job of conjuring up enjoyable plans for everyone on the one else does it so im left holding the bag. Lahore's a fun place. we have this lil thing going on where a bunch of us get together and hang out and have fun till the wee hours.but one thing that strikes you is that its really hard to get to know new minded people.i mean for me its tuff cos im kind off shy and as a result highly constipated around people i dont'd b nice to shake things up a new faces, expand the social scene.khair i hope no one i know reads this cos theyre going to have a field day at my hell with it.a laugh or two couldnt hurt anyone...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

a lil update plus some musings

ive been busy in the process of opening an electronics shop in lahore.its taken me more than a year but now im finally a week or so away from finally opening the quite still wont be the finished thing even when ill open the shop but ive got to start now.retailing in lahore is not literally have to harrass people to get things done.i myself have kind off picked up such habits as some of my customers at uptown books would only too keenly point out.they order books that i forget to follow up on.its the damned heat i tell you. khair just yesterday i came across a news article that sent my blood boiling. a think tank in america came out with a list of countries that they described as failed states.pakistan was in the top ten, worse off than believe it or not AFGHANISTAN. im sure these fellows there at the thinktank must be hooked on the opium being mass produced by afghanistan. i mean for starters terming pakistan a failed state is ludicrous but to place it beneath afghanistan.....arrghh...anyway seeing the report i knew that someone in the local press would pick it up and lend legitimacy to it by using it as an example of how things are so messed up in this country.i decided that if someone did use it that would be the last straw that broke the camel's back and i would finally start writing opinion pages for newspapers ie if anyone would take me on board. lo and behold in todays opinion pages in the daily times someone did use it. so as a first step ive started blogging i have to try to write something clever so that some newspaper publishes it.

in conclusion im totally hooked on my new glued to listening to it right now.i listen to it while working, driving and best of all while working productivity in the gym has sky rocketed ever since i got this if any one wants an ipod just contact seriously ive got brand new ipods, their accessories etc.

im back!!

well after what seemed ages the government has lifted its ban over blogspot.but i'd stopped blogging way before that.i kind of felt burnt out.out of ideas.the immense weight of expectations that my readers had placed on me took its toll i guess.hehe.what a be honest i just kind of fizzled im back.lots has happened since i last blogged. wont bore anyone with the details cos not much excitement ill take it from the here and now.

ive decided to let my guard down a lil bit.loosen up a friend recently tried to nickname me the pope cos she felt i was too serious and goody goody.i never thought being goody goody was a bad thing but i guess now ive seen the light or from now on ill be foolish, wilder, a bit cheap from time to time and more flirtatious.hehehe.cos i figured i wasnt getting any younger and time really is flying might as well live a little bit in the moment.but i cant just let go of my serious side either so as a result ive decided to be serious,focused and boring during the day and let my darker side out during the nights. as for this blog ill be mixing it up.serious stuff,personel stuff etc etc..