Monday, August 28, 2006

mai karachi

this past thursday at a friends birthday dinner i decided to go with the rest of my friends to karachi.a friend of mine was getting engaged and i decided i needed a break from work and lahore for at least the at dinner me and a couple of other friends booked ourselves onto airblue.airblue flights are always eventful...ive never ever felt as much turbulence as i always do on air blue..this flight was no different..thank god i had an empty stomach or i would have definetely made use of the barf bag..hehe..other than that the flight was made memorable by my erstwhile friends who created one mighty ruckus during the whole flight.mind you no one was offened..on the contrary we had the passengers around us in fits..the air hostess also burst out laughing when my friend asked her for some ice cream. khair we landed in karachi to be greeted by wonderful weather but an awful stench...but the smell was the worst outside our hotel.apparently the tankers carrying dead fish passed outside the hotel everyday.khair the smell was the worst ive had to breathe ever and believe you me the toilets at aitchison were not for the faint hearted either..
that night we went to my friend's fiances house for dinner where we were treated to a sumptuous seven course dinner..unfortunatly such elegance and class was too much for us unsophisticated lahoris.after every course we would get up and go outside to smoke..hehe the courses were yummy and the end of it we all felt we were going to burst..finally we ended up at an after hours a friend from college was having at his was fun but what was more funny was that the lahoris gathered in one corner while the karachites in the other..hehe ok there was mingling but of the negligible sort..
after waking up late there was time to eat and visit my khala. again i was reminded of the sheer size of karachi..its big...really no time it was time to get ready for the engagement..the engagement was at sind i must say that the buildings and the interior of sind club are marvellous..another sumptuous feast was followed by a trip downstairs to the casablanca night..bumped into many lahoris as well as more friends from college..i dunno why we dont have a similar thing in lahore...khair we were out all night coming back at 7.
anyhows now we were all set to return and not a minute too soon cos we felt things could get really hairy due to bugti's soon az we left the hotel we were stopped by the police..apparently our friend who was dropping us had been talking on his cell while driving..we were getting late so we ended up paying the cop a hundred bucks..we had tried to give him 20 but he told us in matter of fact tone that the governmeant needed at least 100 from us..hehe

the big finale was not the flight itself but the landing...i had been amazed at the smoothness of the flight...but just 1 minute before landing the plane started to shake violently and then thud.we had landed but we bounced right back again before thudding down again.the plane swerved a bit but mercifully all ended well...the reason for the bad landing was that just one minute prior to our landing Lahore was hit by a wind and thunderstorm...the pilot either could divert us to islamabad or try to get in ahead of the storm....god forbid if the tyre had burst or something else things could have gotten bad...anyway an eventful end to an eventful trip...


Blogger KM said...

ok fine, so ur weekend WAS eventful!
ur forgiven!

12:44 PM

Blogger Jerry shah said...


1:35 PM

Blogger moizza said...

Casablanca night? I think you meant Fez night nahi? Or have I been out of the scene so much they have new names now:(

9:01 PM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

i think there are two nights weekend its fez..the next weekend its casablanca...supposedly fez has a younger crowd...actually im no expert..i have no idea what im going on about..haha

11:19 AM

Blogger KM said...

if uve been tagged, you do the whole question thingee on ur blog.

5:58 PM

Blogger moizza said...

I suppose you must be in process of a brain transplant or something if you haven't had anything to blog about in so long. Or leading a terrible insipid life. tsk tsk.

This is a technique famoulsy known as GOADING.

10:12 PM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

tez:khi was fun though very hectic...i call such trips as dark trips..

khizzy...this tagging business is fun...thx:)

make today count:its been two weeks i dunno bt someones clothes but the smell is still in my head...arrgh

moizza:hehe man ive been kinda the dial up connection i have sux big time..too lazy to get worldcall reinstated..matter of arrears u know..hehe

3:48 PM


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