Thursday, June 09, 2005

secularism in spirit

i was having this really interesting conversation last night with a friend which prompted me to post something about the topic.we were talking about religion in general and islam in today's for people who know me they know im not really a practicing muslim.but im also not anti-islam either.i believe very strongly in the essence of islam the post 9/11 world islam has become defined as the islam that is espoused by fundamentalist islam.fundamenatlist muslims are the taliban or the MMA in this country.they also include the wahabi clergy in Saudi Arabia as well as the ruling Shia clerics in Iran.all these factions practice a very strict form of strict i mean alot of emphasis is placed on literal interpretations and Symbolisms.these were reactionary forces whose roots can be found as back as the 17th century when the Wahabi guy converted(for lack of a better word) to his interpretation of Islam which was based on the strict literal interpreation of the Quran and Sunah.however they really came into their own when western imperialism swept across muslim lands and colonised muslim peoples.these people came up with the notion that since muslims had strayed from the correct path this was Allah's punishment upon them.hence to reverse the punishment Muslims had to revert back to 'Sharia' or the literal letter of cut a long story short they continued to grow from strength to strength in post independence era when leaders like gamal abdul nasser,bhutto etc failed to deliever prosperity to the coming to today's scenario.we have one military ruler trying to reverse the previous military ruler's disastrous legacy.the short cut way is the turkey/attaturk way.crackdown hard and declare yourself secular.the second way is to undermine the credibility of the mullah at the one hand and to provide a credible alternative instead.that credible alternative would be in the form of economic development and greater political freedom.something akin to what mahathir managed to do in Malaysia.there are fundamenatlists in Malaysia but they are on the and large Malaysia is a highly tolerant and progressive todays' Pakistan which has been brainwashed for two decades by a strong dose of Mullah Islam,Attaturk wont work unless Pakistan was to suffer a catastrophe similar to turkey after WWI.unfortunatly if a similar situation/disaster was to occur it would make Pakistanis more favorable to the mullahs as they are not in power.we also should guard against the Shah of iran model.the shah created a society which was totally alien to 90% of the massess.we must first focus on economic development.secondly the state's writ must be extended to such an extent that not only do mosques,madrassa come under its sway,the writ also encompasses tribal areas in NWFP and Balochistan.Secular has come to assume a bad name in Pakistan.its come to symbolise anti-religion which its not.a secular society is merely a society where everyone has their own freedom of choice regarding religion and that the state doesnt impose a religion or discriminate on the basis of many ways being the Islamic republic of Pakistan doesnt matter cos its a symbol.there is no sharia here.yes there is the horrendous hudood and blasphemy laws but no taliban sharia here yet.Pakistan ideologically was created for muslims not islam.thats the key difference.finally i favor the slightly cautious mush approach cos as i said the vast majority of the nation has been brainwashed and many ppl feel a strong affinity for not only islam but fellow muslims as well.i dont know bt others but even though as a believer in human rights i feel for people being killed maimed anywhere in the world when it involves muslims say in palestine,bosnia,kosovo,chechnya and kashmir i feel stronger pain and interest.i dunno whther its the zia-ul-haq islamiat tht causes that or what.but its true.ill continue but first some feedback.


Blogger Muneeba Omar said...

Jarrar, very interesting. I am hung over and 10 yards from the ocean, but I will still attempt to say something. I agree with you in that we shoud guard against the Shah of Iran model, b/c imposing extereme secularization and modernization with alienate the masses. And look what it brought to Iran, and Islamic Revolution. And in Pakistan's case I agree that it was Islam that sought a state while in Iran's case it was a state that sought Islam. But I also agree that it is hard to displace the mullahs in the Pakistani situation because our governments have been so ineffeicient and corrupt, that a vacuum was created. A vacuum of social services such as education and welfare (I use the term welfare to mean accomocations and food for the poor). With the government not providing these services, the mullahs stepped in with their madrassas and the food we all may send to the mosque, but the poor people see it as coming from the mullahs. SO they have earned themselves credibility by filling in this vacuum. And since the government has never done this for the people, it will be hard to undermine the credibility of the mulllahs since they have provided an effective and much needed social servicce. And it all boils down to the same f***ing thing, we need to enrich the people so that they are not well off and don't need to rely on the mullahs for their next meal and then perhaps we will move towards change. I know I am not coherent right now, but I'll r-read it and post again. Btw, I need your email.

8:51 PM

Blogger Muneeba Omar said...

Accha by the way I just re-read my post, and the hung over puna is really showing. At the end I meant "enrich the people so that they are well off" and I can't even begin to get into the other typos and spelling mistakes. AHHH. Atleast I try.

9:39 PM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

yaar ten yards away from the ocean and ure writing comments with a hangover.u shd be curing yourself by downing a chilled corona or something.:p.yup but the showdown has few years are critical in determining what kind of society our adult lives will be spent in.while enriching people will be critical what is equally important is take back the maulvi's authority on religion.every second day fatwas are issued by complete jahils.this needs to be challenged and for that we need enlightened scholars with progressive interpretations of Islam.

11:53 AM

Blogger Muneeba Omar said...

very well said. "what is equally important is take back the maulvi's authority on religion.every second day fatwas are issued by complete jahils.this needs to be challenged and for that we need enlightened scholars with progressive interpretations of Islam." wah. politics session is must. And this morning I will follow your advice. heal my hangover with a Corona.

8:28 PM


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